A mysterious light in a forest

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From Six Flags to Ghost Lights, Here Are Some Most Haunted Spots In Georgia

Georgia is both magical and mystical. It has all the tall tale fixtures of a good horror movie: the trim and trimmings of a great vampire flick, the decorative wherewithal of a fantastic episode of American Horror Story, and the surreal essence of a fantastic Stephen King novel.

Georgia’s ghostly fame or infamy—depending on your outlook—is mostly pinned on one of its most visited towns, Savannah. Savannah is a ghostly smorgasbord, constantly in the crosshairs of the otherworldly, a place that has inspired tales of horror and spine-chilling accounts.

It is, after all, the very place where the murders depicted in the legendary book, “Midnight in The Garden Of Good And Evil,” took place… at Mercer House, another haunted treasure throve. The place where a voodoo priestess roams the land, where The Walking Dead is partly filmed, and where the actors of Vampire Dairy and Supernatural spend much of their time.

Venture with us as we introduce you to the most haunted locations in Georgia.

10) Moon River Brewing Company – Savannah

Hangovers are nothing less than last night’s spirits – in more ways than one. When it comes to The Moon River Brewing Company, those dehydrated ghouls have to share the spotlight with some actual ectoplasmic specters.

Moon River Brewing Company climbs to number ten in the most haunted spots on the Georgia list because of a rather pernicious poltergeist. A mischievous ghost, or ghosts that seem to stalk the building… a building that has been the site of gruesome murders, countless shoot-outs, and even a couple of lynchings before it was gentrified into the sud-filled haven it now is.

For another bar fly specter with enthusiasm, check out the story of Austin’s Buffalo Billiards and its rambunctious spirits. 

9) Madison Square – Savannah

Before it was named after President James Madison, this spot was the grounds for the epic Battle/Siege Of Savannah.

And, if that wasn’t enough to cull and breed monsters and ghosts, the square is surrounded by homes that have seen their fair share of tragedies. The Sorrel- Weed House – where Matilda Sorrel committed suicide. Green-Meldrim House, which was General Sherman’s Headquarters during the Civil War.

8) Pirates’ House – Savannah

A portrait of a ghostly pirate
Copyright US Ghost Adventures

The Pirates’ House restaurant is one of Savannah’s most popular restaurants and one of the most haunted places in the city. It is number 8 on this list of most haunted spots in Georgia because I’m a big Pirates fan. It’s believed that the Pirates’ House is possibly the oldest building in the state of Georgia, and around the time of its origin, it played host to a seedier cast of characters than the average tourist of today.

In the 1700s, a common occurrence in seaport cities such as Savannah was the act of shanghaiing men or capturing them and forcing them into servitude aboard ships. It’s believed that a tunnel running beneath the Pirates’ House was used to drag unconscious men from the tavern to the nearby dock, where they would be sold into servitude.

Pirates seem to haunt much of the eastern coast; just check out Captain Tony’s famous hanging tree in Key West. 

Although the tunnels have since been collapsed, employees of the Pirates’ House have reported seeing apparitions and shadow figures in the restaurant. It’s also reported that after closing time, footsteps can be heard pacing back and forth throughout the restaurant.

7) Andersonville Prison Cemetery

An old desolate cemetery under the moonlight
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It’s a prison cemetery. Prison… CEMETERY… that’s a whole horror movie elevator pitch in two freaking words; all you need is James Wan, and you’re green-lit on the spot.

One of the ghosts that seems to haunt this phantasmagorical playground of the morbid is that of a one-legged man dressed in full Civil War regalia. The man stomped around the grounds, early lit by the moonlight, moaning in utter despair.

6) Wedding Cake House – Athens

In 1896, William Winstead Thomas constructed a rather odd house, the “wedding cake house.” The edifice was meant as a metaphorical engagement ring for his daughter, Isabel, and her fiancé, Richard.

Then, Richard stood Isabel up at the altar. Heartbroken and with a gigantic house reminding her of the worst day of her life, Isabel climbed the stairs and hung herself in what should have been the lover’s matrimonial suite. A common troupe in a ghost story is heartbreak and suicide; take a gander at this little tale from St. Augustine if you don’t believe me. It’s a tale of racism, teenage love, murder, and suicide. 

Now, the house is home to a sorority, and those girls have to share its many rooms with a distraught and restless bride.

5) The Surrency Ghost Light – Appling County

A mysterious light in a forest
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A tale of tragedy and heartbreak. One night, about half a century ago, after a heated lover’s spat, the wife ran blindly out of the house. She ran, her husband chasing her down to the railroad tracks. So overcome by emotion was she that she failed to see the gigantic steam engine plowing at full speed. She was stuck, dragged for a quarter mile under the tracks, and instantly killed.

It is said that you can actually see at night the lights of the distraught husband’s lantern as he searches the tracks and collects the bloody chunks of what is left of his wife.

4) The Masquerade Nightclub – Atlanta

No longer opened – although, given trends, I really can’t say that statement will stay true in the future – this once-thriving den of debauchery had its share of demons.

One of the ghouls that used to haunt the building had a penchant for inciting freak accidents: turning over amplifiers, stumbling people on the stairs, pulling railings, and pushing the unsuspecting. Nonetheless, that wasn’t enough for the disco Casper. There have been reports of unidentified cold spots, footsteps, and random horrifying screams throughout the building.

3) Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park – Kennesaw

For over 15 days, Kennesaw Mountain National Park—known during the Civil War as “their piece of land”—was bathed in blood. Rivulets of the stuff flowed down the hills, making the land squishy with the liquid as it soaked in the carnage of war.

Battlefields have a tendency.. to hoard ghosts; ask Gettysburg and see some of the specters that haunt it.

From June 19 to July 2, 1864, the area was the site of some of the most intense fighting seen during that period in our Nation’s history. Men fighting with pistols, bayonets, clubs, knives, and, when all those tools weren’t enough, with their bare hands, tearing at each other’s throats for survival.

The ghosts of those soldiers are said to haunt the nearby area.

2) Rhodes Hall – Atlanta

Constructed in 1904 for Amos Giles Rhodes, this hallowed hall seems to be a beacon for that same man’s spectral energy. The place has been packed ever since Rhodes bit the big one, with thousands of paranormal investigators, from legendary parapsychologists to tin-foil-wearing crackpots. Rhodes Hall is by far one of the most haunted spots in Georgia.

Witnesses have described a “dark, evil” shadow being living in the basement. The couple who originally owned the house was continually assailed and harried by the macabre forces. Their wits and nerves are fried by:

“Voices… Dozens of voices clattering out of the walls. Some of the children, some gruff and violent, some too terrible to mention.”

Shadow Figure
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1) Six Flags Over Georgia – Austal

Yes, the theme park Six Flags is up to its eyeballs in ghosts. In the 1970s, a little girl was killed in what is now the parking lot of Six Flags. Smashed by an out-of-control motorist tipsy on Firewater. Guests have testified before an already jaded security staff, “Hey, there’s this kid out there sort of lost. Says she’s looking for her mother.” The guards simply shrug and tell folks not to worry, “We’ll handle it… That there happens almost every week.”

Another phantom that haunts the Six Flags grounds, causing all manner of mischief with the operating equipment, is that of a thespian – that’s an actor for the less informed – who was killed in 1967 on his way to work at the Crystal Pistol.

Haunted Georgia

Keep reading our blog to check out the most haunted places in Georgia. Want to learn more about the haunted locations of Atlanta? Book a ghost tour with Atlanta Ghosts tonight!

Book A Atlanta Ghosts Tour And See For Yourself

Home to Coca-Cola and the terminus of Georgia’s railway system, Atlanta is the center of terrifying hauntings and unexplained ghostly activity in the Southeast. Explore these horrors and more on an Atlanta ghost tour.

Join Atlanta Ghosts on a ghost tour of the Midtown District to unlock Atlanta’s hidden and incredible stories across hundreds of years of history that have resulted in frightening hauntings experienced by residents and tour guests alike.
